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WEVA Discussion Forum
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WEVA Discussion Forum FAQ
"How can I keep track of new messages?"
In order to keep track of message read, you must be a registered user AND must be logged on. Once logged on, you use the Mark icon . After finish reading messages in a forum, simply click on this icon and that's it. The next time you visit this site, all forums and topics containing unread messages will show image next to them.
  1. What is lobby?
  2. What is conference?
  3. What is forum?
  4. What is thread/topic?
  5. What is subscription?
  6. What is inbox?
  7. What is bookmark?
  8. Why are there so many different types of forums?
  9. When I post a message in one forum, it posts ok. But in another forum, it won't post. Why?
  10. How do I register?
  11. How can I keep track of new messages?
  12. I want to use the private forums. How do I do that?
  13. How do I use HTML tags?
  14. How do I post images?
  15. How do I use HTML links?
  16. How do I use those smiley icons?
  17. Why do some file icons display flame?
  18. Why do some forums show icon when others show ?
  19. Why do some topics show icon when others show ?
  20. Why do some topics have [view all] next to the subject?
  21. What are those little icons next to the usernames in the messages?