Streaming Clips a Smash Hit
August 27, 2001
Las Vegas - Wedding videographers used the latest technology to show the world what the WEVA Expo 2001 looked, and sounded, like.
Beginning with the keynote address from Executive Director Roy Chapman, continuing with the outstanding work of the WEVA Stream Team, and featuring a live interactive webcast with Hall of Fame videographer Frank Bella, WEVA on the web was all the rage.
“This showed that there is no limit to what wedding videographers can do,” said Chapman. “Everything involved in the streaming process was done by WEVA members,” Chapman added.
WEV writer Lee Rickwood could not travel to Expo after being involved in an auto accident. Contacted at home, Rickwood said, “I did check in 'virtually' and saw the keynote speech and other video clips streaming out of the show, which was nice. It looked like, and from the folks I have communicated with, it sure sounds like another great show.”
The streaming clips show Expo events such as the Trade Show, door prize give-aways, and attendee interviews. A wide variety of clips will remain for viewing at