The WEVA International Merited Professional Videographer (MPV) program is a way to recognize the professional wedding and event videographer, who is uniquely dedicated to his or her craft, and to the success of a vital and growing creative service industry.
The WEVA MPV program provides:
- a means to promote your professional capability and business credibility to clients.
- the integrity and prestige of an International Association when prospective clients are comparing several videographers for their event.
The WEVA MPV program offers this special recognition to association members who:
- demonstrate their abilities by passing specially-designed written examinations and video image evaluations; and
- regularly update their professional skills, both in conceptual and practical performance.
MPV testing is now administered online 24/7. Please fill out the application form (below) to start the process of becoming a WEVA MPV!
Click Here To Apply for Online MPV Testing
Click Here to Read About the First MPV Accredited Videographers
Current active members of WEVA International can apply for the WEVA International MPV program. Applicants must be employed in the business of videography, or related fields, for the two years immediately preceding application.
Registration for the initial MPV testing program is underway. Details about the program's application, testing procedures and requirements are stated below.
Future testing will be at various locations, including WEVA EXPO. So apply today!
For more information and complete registration details, click the links below
Background |
WEVA International formed the Continuing Education Committee in 1999 with Daniel Krieger, a long-time videographer, photographer, Hall of Fame Inductee and a judge in the WEVA Creative Excellence Awards competition, as the chairperson. In his capacity as judge, he felt many videos lacked the application of fundamental television/video production skills.
His observations, and those of others, led WEVA to investigate the development of a designated educational course to benefit videographers interested in improving their production skill level and knowledge base. The Continuing Education Committee was formed to determine the viability of this project.
During four years of research and meetings, the committee worked to develop a program relevant to professional videographers and WEVA members, to stand as an example to the consumer community.
The WEVA MPV program was produced through the efforts of the Continuing Education Committee. Current members are Dan Krieger, Teri Kurita, Adam Mancini and Joann Rempe.
The committee adapted an established course in television production, developed by educator Herbert Zettl, and launched the Merited Professional Videographer Program, with its two main testing components.
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Benefits |
Benefits as a WEVA Merited Professional Videographer:
- The use of an internationally identifiable service mark to advertise your Merited Professional Videographer status in all marketing materials.
- Recognition on the Internet, and listing in the exclusive WEVA Merited Videographers section on the WEVA website, www.WEVA.com.
- Awarded the prestigious "WEVA Merited Professional Videographer" Certificate for display to promote your professional credibility to clients.
- Membership in a growing network of other WEVA members who share their expertise and knowledge in helping to improve the video production and business capabilities of all professional videographers.
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Application Information: |
Application Information for Merited Accreditation: CLICK HERE TO APPLY NOW!
- No application will be processed without the required fee.
- If all application requirements are not met, applicant may still take the written exam, however, merited status will not be awarded until all eligibility requirements have been met.
- All correspondence with the standards office should include the identification number assigned by the Continuing Education office, which is the applicant's last 4 digits of their Social Security number.
- Merited status requirements (passing the written exam and video submission) must be completed within one year of receipt of application at WEVA International. If not completed in this time, a new application must be submitted.
- Applications for the WEVA Merited Professional Videographer program can be rejected only for failure to meet all published requirements. WEVA International, and its Continuing Education office, is committed to a non-discriminatory process.
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Rules for Examination Administration: |
- Each applicant will receive a listing of suggested reference materials. This list is also published on the WEVA web site, www.weva.com. (Completed study of these materials will result in the applicant's preparation for the written examination.)
- No reference material or notes may be brought into examination sessions.
- No questions concerning the content of the exam may be asked during examination sessions.
- No visitors or unauthorized individuals will be permitted into examination sessions.
- A maximum time of two hours will be allowed for exam.
- Anyone arriving late will be permitted to take the exam, but will not be allowed to write beyond the time scheduled for completion of the examination.
- Examination results will be released in writing to the applicant.
- The examination shall be scored impartially and without disclosure of the identity of the applicant, with prompt notification of the results.
- Test Irregularities: Candidates are responsible for protecting the integrity of their answers. If any "sharing of information" is detected during the examination, or evidence of such is disclosed at the time the answer sheets are being scored, all those involved, regardless of infraction, will be failed. This warning is in effect and applicable to all parts of the examination.
- If candidates are of the opinion that facilities for the examination are too crowded or poorly arranged for them to protect their answers, such candidates should immediately register an appropriate complaint with the test proctor before beginning the exam.
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Requirements |
- Any person making application for the WEVA International MPV program must be a current active member of WEVA International at the time of filing this application.
- The applicant must be employed in the business of videography, or related fields, for the two years immediately preceding application.
- To earn WEVA International MPV status, each applicant must successfully complete two phases of the testing process:
- Pass the written examination on technical and practical knowledge.
- Event Video submissions must pass the Image Review Panel. Videos may be submitted only after the written exam has been passed.
NOTE: WEVA International MPV status will be awarded once ALL PHASES of the application process have been successfully completed.
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Video Submissions |
- 1. Two video submissions of a social event (i.e. wedding, bar or bat mitzvah, sweet 16) in its entirety, as was given to the client, will be required. No submission that has been made under the supervision of an instructor or as a class assignment with the assistance of another videographer will be eligible. The submission must be on DVD-R.
- All video submissions sent to the Continuing Education office must have no author/ creator identification on the tape, except for the assigned applicant ID number, which is the last 4 digits of the applicants SS#. If these rules are not met in any one of the submitted pieces, ALL the applicants submissions will be rejected.
Video submissions will be evaluated for competency in the following areas:
- Shooting - This includes use of angles, use of available light, exposure and white balance, focus, quality of camera movements, and use of supplemental lighting.
- Audio - This includes balance of sound from all audio sources, audio mixing, audio transitions, sound presence, quality of ambient sound, and basic knowledge of microphone types.
- Editing - This includes pacing, scene transitions, shot selections, evaluation of video content, insert editing, and assemble editing.
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Study Materials: |
A variety of material is available for the WEVA member to use in preparation for the MPV written exam. The material, when mastered, will be helpful to the WEVA member in preparation of productions. This list includes college-level texts, as well as material produced by WEVA members.
The Self-Study Program is available for purchase. Items 1-3 are available directly from Amazon.com, the Barnes & Noble web site or Borders Books. Item 4 is available from the Cannon Video web site http://www.cannonvideo.com/.
The recommended study material program is comprised of three books, and an Interactive DVD. These study guides explain and discuss each of the video elements that will be covered by the written examination. For most candidates, this Self-Study Program will be a powerful reinforcement of principles learned, and applied, previously.
This is the list of recommended material for the Self-Study Program:
Television Production Handbook, (9th edition or newer) by Herbert Zettl
Price $108.00
The following chapters pertain to the WEVA MPV program:
3 / 4 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 9.1 / 10 / 10.1 / 10.2 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14
Television Production Workbook, by Herbert Zettl Price $33.00
Zettl Video Lab 3.0 DVD Price $111.00
The Business of Wedding and Event Videography, By John Goolsby
Price $49.00
The Continuing Education Committee estimates that it should take twenty to thirty hours to go through, and comprehend, the above recommended study material.
In addition, the WEVA Continuing Education Committee suggest that MPV candidates study the following material:
Camera Command DVD
$149.00 Information about purchasing this DVD is available by clicking here
Please Note: WEVA does not control the quoted prices, therefore all prices may be subject to change.
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- The initial MERITED PROFESSIONAL VIDEOGRAPHER status earned is valid for five years, provided WEVA International membership is kept current. Evidence must be provided that the MPV holder accumulated at least 35 credits worth of continuing education since becoming merited or since last retesting.
The 35 credit requirement can be accomplished through any of the following:
- Attendance at the WEVA EXPO will constitute 10 credits.
- Attendance at WEVA EXPO optional workshops will count for 2 credits.
- Attendance at a WEVA Institute workshop will count for 2 credits.
- A presentation at the WEVA EXPO or WEVA Institute will count for 3 credits.
- Other educational experiences may be accepted at the discretion of the WEVA International standards committee.
- If the 35 credits of continuing education requirement are not met, the written exam must be taken, and passed, again in order to restore MPV status.
A $125.00 fee will be assessed to each Merited Professional Videographer at the five- year renewal point. This fee covers the administrative costs inherent in the necessary record keeping and program updates.
PLEASE NOTE: If WEVA International dues are not maintained in the 5 year time period, the MPV status will be rescinded. Since the Logo/Title is trademark protected, you may not advertise or use the "MPV" title.
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FAQ's |
Q. Do I have to be a WEVA member to achieve MPV status?
Yes. The program was developed over the course of several years by the WEVA Continuing Education Committee. WEVA will administer the written exam online, and also perform the video evaluations. WEVA membership is, therefore, required to achieve the MPV status and to maintain it as well.
Q. Who developed the MPV program?
The WEVA Continuing Education Committee, chaired by Daniel Krieger, a WEVA Hall of Fame videographer. He started his photography business in 1970, and added video in 1984. He has received several WEVA Distinguished Service Awards, served as a WEVA Creative Excellence Awards judge, and served on the WEVA Ethics Committee, among many other commitments. The other committee members are also veteran videographers: Teri Kurita, Adam Mancini and Joann Rempe.
Q. What is involved in the process?
There is a written test, based on study material that is readily available. The committee members will also peer-review video submissions to consider technical merits only.
Q. How complicated is the study material?
The recommended study material is, in many aspects, a review of techniques and methods that videographers would use regularly. The committee estimates that it would take 20-30 hours for the typical videographer to review and comprehend all of the recommended study material.
Q. How much will the study material cost?
The recommended study material costs approximately $270.00.
Q. How does the video evaluation work?
A video submission of 2 social events (i.e. wedding, bar or bat mitzvah, sweet 16) in its entirety, as was given to the client, will be required. The submission must be on DVD.
Q. My studio operates in a team environment, where one person shoots and another edits. Who can become a WEVA MPV, and who can submit any one video?
Anyone applying for the WEVA MPV program must be a WEVA member. The person submitting a video for evaluation must have shot and edited the video, or supervised the edit. If, for example, two camera operators worked on a particular event, and a third person edited the video, all three would be allowed to submit that finished video. However, the person who assisted on the edit, would still have to submit a video that he or she shot.
Q. Where will the MPV testing take place?
Testing is available online 24/7, you will be instructed on how to proceed once your application has been processed.
Q. Once I achieve MPV status, how do I maintain it?
You must continue your education. The MPV program requires that the status-holder accrue 35 credits during the five years that the MPV status is valid. Attendance at WEVA EXPO is 10 credits, EXPO optional and WEVA Institute workshops count for 2 credits each, presentations at the EXPO or during the WEVA Institute count for 3 credits, and other educational experiences may receive credit at the discretion of the WEVA Continuing Education Committee.
Q. Why are there fees?
The WEVA Continuing Education Committee spent several years developing the program. The development phase, along with the testing, video review, and administration of the program have significant costs. A section of the WEVA web site will be devoted to the MPV program, a logo is being designed, and certificates will be issued, so the program will have ongoing costs. The fees help defray the costs, therefore no profit is recognized by WEVA.
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