« Back to Awards list Wedding & Event Videography Hall of Fame Nominations for the Hall of Fame are open to long standing WEVA members with many years experience in the wedding and event video industry, whose contributions over the years have helped the industry to grow. First/Last Name of Nominee Phone Email Approximately how many years has this WEVA Member been in the wedding and event video industry? Please Choose 1-5 Years 6-10 Years 11-15 Years 16-20 Years 20+ Years Do Not Know How long has this person been a WEVA member? Please Choose 1-5 Years 6-10 Years 11-15 Years Do Not Know Explain why this person should be inducted into the WEVA Hall of Fame. Please be as specific as possible. List any other professional affiliations, committees served on and service throughout the years. Submitted by: First/Last Address Suite: City State Zip Country Phone Email WEVA Member? Yes No
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Wedding & Event Videography Hall of Fame
Nominations for the Hall of Fame are open to long standing WEVA members with many years experience in the wedding and event video industry, whose contributions over the years have helped the industry to grow.
Explain why this person should be inducted into the WEVA Hall of Fame. Please be as specific as possible.
List any other professional affiliations, committees served on and service throughout the years.